Rachèl Spros and Barbara Veselka represented AMGC at the annual conference from the Society for American Archaeology in New Orleans, USA. Besides enjoying the rich cuisine, including crab cakes and alligator bites, Rachel and Barbara enjoyed the conference talks, meet new and old friends, and get updated on the new developments in the various archaeological fields. The session where both Rachel and Barbara presented in was called: Integrating isotope analyses: the state of play and future directions, organized by Richard Magwick, Carmen Esposito, and Katie McCullough-French.
Rachel’s presentation covered her recent work on the individuals from Medieval Yper, Belgium, as part of the Make Up of the City project where she looked at potential migration patterns. Barbara’s presentation was on a recent project she finished involving the study of the cremated remains from Late Bronze-Early Iron Age Tilburg from the Netherlands, where potentially matrilocality characterized this past community. Interesting and fruitful conversations followed the talks, inspiring future work and working towards new collaborations.
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