The Brussels Bioarchaeology Lab (BB-LAB) of the Vrije Universiteit Brussels (VUB), Belgium, regroups researchers focussing on the study of human, animal and plant remains from archaeological contexts using a wide range of methods going from isotope geochemistry and spatial modelling to archaeobotany and osteoarchaeology. The members of the BB-LAB have backgrounds in archaeology, (geo)chemistry, history and biology, bringing together expertise from a wide range of fields and aiming at answering key questions about our past.
Established in 2021 by Christophe Snoeck to increase the synergy between researchers carrying out bioarchaeological research, the BB-LAB is a sub-group of the Analytical, Environmental and Geo-Chemistry Research unit (AMGC) and the Maritime Culture Research Institute (MARI). The on-going projects carried out by the members of the BB-LAB are covering all of Europe and range from the Mesolithic to the Modern Period. The BB-LAB can rely on the impressive analytical arsenal available at the VUB to carry out state-of-the-art bioarchaeological research.
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