Publications 2021

International peer-reviewed publications in 2021

Is it hot enough? A multi-proxy approach shows variations in cremation conditions during the Metal Ages in Belgium
Journal of Archaeological Science
Elisavet Stamataki, Ioannis Kontopoulos, Kevin Salesse, Rhy McMillan, Barbara Veselka, Charlotte Sabaux, Rica Annaert, Mathieu Boudin, Giacomo Capuzzo, Philippe Claeys, Sarah Dalle, Marta Hlad, Amanda Sengeløv, Martine Vercauteren, Eugène Warmenbol, Dries Tys, Guy De Mulder, Christophe Snoeck

Interglobular dentine attributed to vitamin D deficiency visible in cremated human teeth
Scientific Reports
Barbara Veselka,  Christophe Snoeck 

These boots are made for burnin’: Inferring the position of the corpse and the presence of leather footwears during cremation through isotope (δ13C, δ18O) and infrared (FTIR) analyses of experimentally burnt skeletal remains
Plose One
Kevin Salesse, Elisavet Stamataki, Ioannis Kontopoulos, Georges Verly, Rica Annaert, Mathieu Boudin, Giacomo Capuzzo, Philippe Claeys, Sarah Dalle, Marta Hlad, Guy de Mulder, Charlotte Sabaux, Amanda Sengeløv, Barbara Veselka, Eugène Warmenbol, Martine Vercauteren, Christophe Snoeck 

Multi-proxy analyses of the Late Bronze Age site of Herstal reveal new information about funerary practices and landscape use in the Belgian Meuse Valley
Journal of Archaeological Science
Charlotte Sabaux, Barbara Veselka, Giacomo Capuzzo, Christophe Snoeck, Marta Hlad, Eugène Warmenbol, Elisavet Stamataki, Mathieu Boudin, Rica Annaert, Sarah Dalle, Vinciaene Debaille, Kevin Salesse, Amanda Sengeløv, Dries Tys, Martine Vercauteren, Guy De Mulder

Divergence, diet, and disease: the identification of group identity, landscape use, health, and mobility in the fifth- to sixth-century AD burial community of Echt, the Netherlands
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences
Barbara Veselka, Giacomo Capuzzo, Rica Annaert, Nadine Mattielli, Mathieu Boudin, Sarah Dalle, Marta Hlad, Charlotte Sabaux, Kevin Salesse, Amanda Sengeløv, Elisavet Stamataki, Dries Tys, Martine Vercauteren, Eugène Warmenbol, Guy De Mulder, Christophe Snoeck 

Strontium isotope ratios related to childhood mobility: Revisiting sampling strategies of the calcined human pars petrosa ossis temporalis
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Barbara Veselka, Heiko Locher, John CMJ de Groot, Gareth R Davies, Christophe Snoeck, Lisette M Kootker

Revisiting metric sex estimation of burnt human remains via supervised learning using a reference collection of modern identified cremated individuals (Knoxville, USA)
American Journal of Physical Anthropology
Marta Hlad, Barbara Veselka, Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, Baptiste Herregods, Marc Elskens, Rica Annaert, Mathieu Boudin, Giacomo Capuzzo, Sarah Dalle, Guy De Mulder, Charlotte Sabaux, Kevin Salesse, Amanda Sengeløv, Elisavet Stamataki, Martine Vercauteren, Eugène Warmenbol, Dries Tys, Christophe Snoeck 

Six centuries of adaptation to a challenging island environment: AMS 14C dating and stable isotopic analysis of pre-Columbian human remains from the Bahamian archipelago reveal dietary trends
Quaternary Science Reviews
Rick J Schulting, Christophe Snoeck, John Pouncett, Fiona Brock, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Thomas Higham, Thibaut Devièse, Kelly Delancy, Michael Pateman, William Keegan, Joanna Ostapkowicz

Testing various pre-treatments on artificially waterlogged and pitch-contaminated wood for strontium isotope analyses
Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution
Christophe Snoeck, Rick J Schulting, Fiona Brock, Alexandra S Rodler, Van Ham-Meert, Nadine Mattielli, Joanna Ostapkowicz

Local and national publications in 2021

Recent data on Early Iron Age cremations in the northern group of Ardennes burial mounds: Hastape and Fosse del Haye (Gouvy, prov. of Luxembourg, Belgium)
Lunula. Archaeologia protohistorica
Christelle Draily, Rica Annaert, Mathieu Boudin, Giacomo Capuzzo, Sarah Dalle, Guy De Mulder, Frederic Hanut, Marta Hlad, Kevin Salesse, Amanda Sengelov, Elisavet Stamataki, Dries Tys, Martine Vercauteren, Barbara Veselka, Olivier Vrielynck, Eugène Warmenbol, Christophe Snoeck, Charlotte Sabaux

Radiocarbon dating the urnfields at Sint-Gillis-Waas (prov. East-Flanders, Belgium)
Lunula. Archaeologia protohistorica
Guy De Mulder, Sarah Dalle, Christophe Snoeck, Dries Tys, Martine Vercauteren, Mathieu Boudin, Eugène Warmenbol, Giacomo Capuzzo, Kevin Salesse, Charlotte Sabaux, Elisavet Stamataki, Amanda Sengeov, Marta Hlad, Rica Annaert, Barbara Veselka

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