From bone to ash: Compositional and structural changes in burned modern and archaeological bone
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
Christophe Snoeck, JA Lee-Thorp, RJ Schulting
Impact of contamination and pre‐treatment on stable carbon and nitrogen isotopic composition of charred plant remains
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
Petra Vaiglova, Christophe Snoeck, Erika Nitsch, Amy Bogaard, Julia Lee‐Thorp
Carbon exchanges between bone apatite and fuels during cremation: impact on radiocarbon dates
Christopher Snoeck, Fiona Brock, Rick J Schulting
Impact of strontium sea spray effect on the isotopic ratio (87Sr/86Sr) of plants in coastal Ireland
Quaternary Newsletter
Christophe Snoeck