From Oktober 25-28 2022, the BB-LAB hosted the first Cremations in Archaeology (CIA) Conference to celebrate the end of the CRUMBEL project. The conference, run in conjunction with the University of Gent, was held in the magnificent St Peter's Abbey. Researchers from across Europe attended to discuss burning research questions.
If you missed the conference, twee summaries of all the talks and posters can be found below. Also stay tuned for the next CIA conference in 2014!
#CIA22 #burningresearchquestions
Finally after several lockdowns and delays due to the pandemic some of the BB-labbers were able to travel outside of Belgium again.
The CRIME project focuses on the research of prehistoric funeral rituals and their changes in Slovenia. A large part of the project is the preparation of a map of biologically available strontium for Slovenia. During the brief visit from September 1th to September 5th, the BB-labbers Steven Goderis, Christophe Snoeck, Charlotte Sabaux and Carina Gerritzen visited the research team in Slovenia from the University of Ljubljana, and the Jožef Stefan Institute, to plan the future sampling strategy and other project related collaborations.
It was a great opportunity to strengthen the bonds between the two research teams. Within just two days the team managed to sample a large amount of their first Slovenian plants for Sr-Isotope analysis.
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Created by maren74