I graduated with a MA Joint Honours degree in Archaeology and History from Glasgow University in 2013 and subsequently completed an MSc in Palaeopathology at Durham University. After this, I worked in commercial archaeology for two years until 2016 when I started my co-tutelle PhD part-time. One year into the PhD, I was lucky enough to receive funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council UK (Northern Bridge), and later I received additional support from the VUB strategic research fund. In my thesis, I investigated mobility in early medieval Britain (c. AD 400-1000) with a focus on cremated human remains. My supervisory team consisted of Profs Janet Montgomery (Durham University), Sarah Semple (Durham University), Christophe Snoeck (VUB), and Philippe Claeys (VUB).
I am currently working as a postdoctoral researcher at VUB, but my projects reach beyond the Channel.
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