A large delegation from the BB-Lab was present at the Bone Diagenesis conference in person, enjoying the opportunity to participate and present live. Topic varied tremendously, from a presentation on tetrapod apatite by Kévin Rey and a poster presentation by Rhy McMillan on diagenetic imnpact on the color alteration index to a presentation by Hannah James on the potential for lase ablation for strontium isotope analysis, and by Barbara Veselka on the pars petrosa and the influence of turnover and diagenesis on strontium isotope ratios. Marta Hlad presented her preliminary results on iron, copper, and zinc isotopes and Elisavet Stamataki enlightened the audience on the application of FTIR to estimate post-mortem alteration of burnt bone, both as a poster. The award for best student poster presentation went to our very own Rachèl Spros, who presented on mapping in-vivo Pb concentrations in the Late Medieval town of Ypres.
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