Picture of Emese Vegh

Dr. Emese Végh

Hidden by fire

I am joining the BB-lab at VUB as a FWO postdoctoral research fellow to work on the structural and chemical alterations to the bone through taphonomy/diagenesis and burning to help understand funerary rites in archaeology. This work builds on my DPhil thesis at the University of Oxford, which focused on the diagenesis and thermal stability of bioapatite, bone microbial bioerosion, molecular structure and composition, and biomechanical response of taphonomic bone.

I have recently completed a postdoc in palaeoproteomics on the ERC Finder project at the University of Vienna, developing an algorithm for automated species identification from MALDI-ToF-MS spectra. I am also an Early Career Researcher at the University of Oxford. Currently I am very interested in the environmental factors and age-induced degradation of both the organic and inorganic phases of bone and the interaction between the two fractions, both in a human evolutionary context and in later prehistory, as well as the use of fire in archaeology.

I particularly enjoy data analyses, multivariate statistics, and modeling in Python to find new ways of solving archaeological research questions.


  • 2022-2023 - Postdoctoral Researcher in Palaeoproteomics & ZooMS, ERC FINDER project, University of Vienna, Austria
  • 2022 - Postdoctoral Laboratory Technician -- Radiocarbon Dating & Palaeoproteomics Laboratory, University of Vienna, Austria
  • 2017-2022 - DPhil (PhD) in Archaeological Science - Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art (RLAHA), University of Oxford, UK
  • 2018-2019, 2021 - Chemistry Laboratory Technician, Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, University of Oxford, UK
  • 2014-2016 - MA in Archaeology (degree) and MSc, Bioarchaeology, and Forensic Anthropology (certificate), University College London, UCL, UK
  • 2012-2013 - Erasmus Scholar in Archaeology, University of Turin, Italy
  • 2010-2014 - BA Archaeology, University of Szeged, Hungary 

Key Research Interests

  • Archaeological Science
  • Cremated bone
  • Human Evolution
  • Taphonomy/Diagenesis
  • Geochemical and Biomolecular Techniques
  • Data Science 

Main Publications

  • Végh, E.I., Márquez-Grant, N., Schulting, R. J. 2022. Physicochemical Changes in Bone Bioapatite During the Late Postmortem Interval Pre- and Post-Burning. Applied Spectroscopyn
  • Végh, E. I., Czermak, A., Márquez-Grant, N., Schulting, R. J. 2021. Assessing the reliability of microbial bioerosion features in burnt bones: A novel approach using feature-labelling in histotaphonomical analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science:Reports 37
  • Végh, E. I. and Rando, C. 2017. Effects of Heat as a Taphonomic Agent on Kerf Dimensions. Archaeological and Environmental Forensic Science 1(2), 105-118.

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